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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Power of Twelve?

Power of Twelve is a ladies encouragement group that meets once a month for twelve months.  There is one lady who has stepped up to be the Group Planner, who hosts the group at either her home or some other facility once a month for an hour.  There are twelve total ladies who have committed to be a part of the group for twelve months.  The goal is to bring together multi-generations in each group and connect together. 

What happens at a Power of Twelve meeting?

At the first gathering, all twelve women will each bring one single encouraging word that will be a word seen in the bible, along with a single bible scripture that uses that word.  The words are compared by the Group Planner to make sure there are no duplicates.  The words are then placed in a container to be drawn out for each month during the year.  After a word is selected for the month, the group discusses it and how to use that word for the upcoming month in day-to-day life. 

What is the purpose for Power of Twelve?

Power of Twelve is a group of twelve ladies from all ages and backgrounds who have decided to commit to a year of their time seeking the Lord and speaking his word into their lives and the lives of their families and friends.  One encouraging word can change the day for anyone.  Many in today's fast paced society do not have the time to commit to a lengthy weekly bible study.  Power of Twelve is a commitment, but not one that puts added stress on the lives of these women.  The purpose for Power of Twelve is to bring the generations of women alongside one another, to connect and grow together in their faith, one word at a time.

What other benefits come with participating in Power of Twelve?

All Group Planners will be invited to a private group connecting with other planners throughout the world, sharing and growing together as they set out on this journey.  All Group Partners will be invited to a private community to connect with other participants from around the world, all sharing how the WORD from their groups are impacting their lives.  We provide Group Planner Guides and Group Partner Workbooks for all participants. In addition, all participants will have access to our other features such as our Wednesday Weekly WORD and other Power of Twelve opportunities. 

Is the Power of Twelve affiliated with a specific church or denomination?

No, but the Power of Twelve is a faith based women's group and uses the words and scripture from the Bible at each meeting.  Power of Twelve is a non-denomination, non-profit group.  The group can be formed by a faithful woman who commits to be the planner of the group for one year.  She can even choose to host the meetings at her church with permission.

How can I become a Group Planner or part of a Power of Twelve group?

Any woman, anywhere, and at any time, who has the heart to commit to 12 months of her time, can be a planner and form a Power of Twelve group.  A welcome packet of information will be sent to you along with guidance on assembling your Power of Twelve Partners.

What if I have more questions?

Feel free to contact us with any questions by clicking on the "Contact" tab above or email us directly at

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